Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Cat cries when I am on computer

Cat cries when I am on computer

20 13:58:20

QUESTION: I have 3 devon rex; 2 male and 1 female. One of my males, 18 months, with 3 legs (birth anomaly), cries at me whenever I am on the computer.  I use a water spray bottle to discourage the crying plus verbal command.  Still keeps it up.  Help

Thanks Michele

ANSWER: Michele,

I'm not sure about the behavior of Devon Rexs so I don't know if his behavior is something that is breed-specific. You may want to ask a breeder of the cats about his behavior.

My blind cat HAS to sit on my lap when I am on the computer. I don't know why...she just feels she has to. You might want to try putting the cat that cries on your lap. He probably justs wants your attention, and being on your lap may satisfy him. It does mine. Maybe it is a quirk of 'handicapped cats" (smile!).

If it is attention that the cat is trying to get, spraying  with water and verbal commands are just giving it to him...some don't care if it is good or bad attention, it's attention. The only way for the cat to stop is for you to TOTALLY ignore the cat. Don't make any response to the crying. If you respond even once, then it won't work because the cat will know if he keeps it up long enough that you will EVENTUALLY give in and respond/give attention to him. If he is not getting the attention from you he is trying to get by crying then he will give up at some point because it doesn't work any more.
It is hard to do, I know. For me, it's easier to just put the cat on my lap.

You may want to take the cat to the vet for a checkup. Crying can signify a problem healthwise or pain that the cat is trying to tell you about. It may be a medical issue causing the crying and not a behavioral problem.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My cat does not want up.  He wants back scratches and playtime.  Devons are very demanding cats.  However,  I need to work unmolested at the computer.

dog crate from Petco
dog crate from Petco  

Hmmmm, another suggestion: do you have a TV in another room? My cats LOVE to watch (cat) videos. You may want to put one on for them to watch so that the cats are being amused when you are on the computer.
Here is a link for the a couple that I have: (type or paste)

Give him SOME of the attention he wants then shut him out of the room.

Or, get a large dog crate (I'll attach a picture of mine) and put them outside for some fresh air while you are on the computer.
