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The cat at night

20 14:05:47

Our cat is super cute, full of energy and cuddly (at times).  She is great when we go to bed, but she is always hyper between 4 and 5 in the morning.  I haven't slept Through the night in MONTHS and I don't know what to do.  I love when she sleeps with us and cuddles with me when she's done with her hyperactivity, but I am becoming super grumpy and sleep deprived.  I know that if we put her in another room it needs to be something consistent and permanent, and I am just not ready to do that yet.  Do you have any other ideas to discourage her from being so active at that particular time??  Thanks for your help.


1. Try giving her a can of food before you go to bed. Also play with her to tire her out before you feed her.

2. Have a bowl full of dry food available to her all night (free choice feeding). That way if she is hungry she can go get some nibbles and not bother you.

3. The hardest to do: COMPLETELY ignore her. If she doesn't get any reaction from you, which she is trying to do, then she will EVENTUALLY stop. But you have to be consistant and not acknowledge her at all. If you even slip up once, then she knows if she is persistant enough she will get a reaction out of you. It is hard to do and annoying, but if you don't give in to her for attention then she will stop and you can catch up on your rest.

4. Get her a kitty friend her age to play kitty games with and cuddle with, and keep each other company. Cats need a cat companion so they are not so dependant on humans for play and attention.
