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Humane effective cat trainning;how do I do it?

20 14:07:22

We recently got two "tuxedo" kittens; they have great personalities and we have had a great time with them.
Their are a couple of specific behaviors that are wearing on me a little bit. One, If we are sleeping and the door is closed they incessantly meow and claw at the carpet(they even damaged the carpet in one place bad)We put them in the bathroom and they have recently mad a mess. (ex.eating toilet paper and taking their feces out of the litter box and putting them in front of it.) Another thing they do is jump on the counter and we they see me looking then they jump of. One of them especially loves adventure , she appears to be setting up situations so I will run after her or give attention. I have tried a water bottle  but that becomes part of the game. How do you train cats in humane way that really works. I appreciate any help you can give on this.

Dear Brian

Thank you for your question.

If the cats are scratching to come into the same room as you must ingnore and not reward their behaviour by letting them into the room.  Cats really don't like the feel and noise or tin foil, trying putting some tin foil on the are of the carpet when they scratch and hopefully this should deter them.

As for the climbing on the counter, cats are predatory animals and instinctively want to climb on high places.Cats really don't like the smell of citrus!  You could try soaking some clothes with citrus and placing them on the area where your cats climbs, the smell will hopefully deter your cat form the shelves.

Try buying a climbing perch designed for cats to climb and hide on!

Kind Regards