Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > My older cat will not use the litter box!

My older cat will not use the litter box!

20 13:54:18

She has decided to use my new couch instead...which is now ruined I am sure.  She is an indoor cat...12 years old...and I have even tried putting her in the garage at night with her own litter box...since I do have 2 other cats...but she still refuses to use the litter box and prefers to use the garage floor.  I don't know what to do!  Help! and thanks!


Her behavior is just part of the aging process. She is approximately 64 years old in human years and the mind and body are slowly going to start deteriorating. Don't ever get angry at her for getting old. Someday you may wish she were still here having accidents. Give her lots of love and reassurance. Their behavior is confusing to them too. Cats also can get a form of kitty Alzheimer which can make them act in a bizarre manner. Sometimes they even forget where the litterbox is!

She may have a urinary tract infection or urinary crystals. Both are painful when they pee and the cat will associate that pain with the litterbox and go elsewhere. Either can be treated with medication, but if not treated they can cause a blockage.

When cats get arthritis they start avoiding the litterbox too because it is painful to get in and out of. You may want to try puppy pee-pads next to the litterbox, where she is going, or a very low sided box. When they start aging, you need to make allowances and concessions for it.

Locking the cat in the garage without knowing the cause of the behavior is only going to make it worse by stressing the cat and confusing her if she can't help his behavior. Cat's don't just start improperly eliminating with a reason. Sometimes you have to be a detective to find out that reason. Being angry at the cat also compounds the problem.

Even if she seems healthy I would take her to a vet that specializes in geriatric cat care and their conditions (not all vets do) for a check of her thyroid, kidney, and liver functions. If she has arthritis she can be given something for pain which will increase her comfort and quality of life. Things will start giving out and early detection and medication can help make her senior years more comfortable.

I am NOT suggesting that your cat is not healthy now, or that something may be wrong with her, but at her age it will happen at some point. Being prepared and knowledgeable about elderly cats will make things easier for the cat and for you. I am including some very good links with information about elderly cats:
(Copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this helps.
