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Cat whines; is not cared for enough. Help!

20 14:05:09

QUESTION: Dear Tabbi,
My roommate has a cat who is high need.  He was an abandoned animal, and he bites the hair off his arms due to what has been diagnosed as a form of feline dermatitis.  Emotionally, he also seems out of control.  He does everything to the extreme: excessive whining, attention seeking behaviors are the norm for him.  I grew up with cats and have always loved them, and I have been really surprised and even frustrated by this one.  My roommate has told me that he "has problems" but won't say what they are.  As a lay-person, I'd say he seems like a sweet but crazy animal.  
To compound the problem, my roommate only plays with her cat for 10 minutes a day.  I complained to her because the cat was waking me up at all hours of night. She says she is getting her cat tranquilizers.  That doesn't make sense to me, but again, I don't know what his "problems" are.
For myself, what is the best reaction to the cat waking me up?  I never let him in my room.  He whines outside my door and swipes his paws under my door frame relentlessly.  A spray bottle only seems to deter him temporarily, and he is at it again in a few minutes.  
Sleepless in NYC

ANSWER: Sleepless,

It sounds as if the cat may have Feline Hyperesthesia which is a self-mutilating behavior caused by emotional problems. Here is a link about it:

If the cat is waking you up for love, then why not let him in in bed with you for comfort and attention and then you both can get some sleep. If your roommate isn't paying attention to the cat and  you say you've always loved them, then I would give this poor guy all the loves he needs.

The vet can give the cat a form of 'kitty Prozac' which will calm him.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I understand why your say that, but my ear nose and throat doctor advised me to keep my room a "cat free" zone due to sinus problems, so letting kitty in for love is unfortunately not an option.  Thank you for your feedback though!


You're welcome.
Have you asked your doctor if it would help if you got an ionizer air purifier that collects cat hair and dander?

Also, have you thought about spiriting away the cat to someone who will understand him and give him the love and attention he needs? I know that's not nice to say, but I'm thinking of the cat and his happiness.

Keep me posted on what is happening with him.
