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cat wants out.

20 14:06:56

I have a 12yr old male siamese cat. He is declawed, very small (10lbs), and been inside pretty much his whole life. Lately he has been crying loudly, constantly wanting outside very bad. I take out on a leash, just because I can't stand to listen. But I wonder is there any other way I can let him outside and not worry about him getting hurt? Like a pen or huge hampster ball??

Hello Morgan,

Very odd for a kitty of his age to suddenly want outside, it is possible that he is suffering from some senility so a vet visit may be in order.

There is absolutely a great way to let him outside safely, you can buy or build an outdoor run!  If you do a search online for "Outdoor cat enclosures" you should come up with lots of pics and plans to build one or you can go to The Cats Den (Do a search can't find the link offhand) and order a premade one.  The cats den specialize in these kinds of cages and being modular there is something for most properties.

Good Luck!

Chenza Maine Coons