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Combing and Aggression

20 13:55:17

I have had problems with my Persian cat two years old now, when it comes to combing him he just will not let us, and his coat has got bad with knots. We decided to take him to a grooming place where it was supposed to be sorted but the woman told us that he just turned on her, which we have never encountered before. When we did take him to the groomer there were quite a few other cats around and he doesn't like other cats at all so I don't know whether that is also contributing to the problem. Ever since, it has been even worse to comb him and he has started lashing out not just when we are trying to comb him, it is in other situations as well, like bringing him in from outside, it's not often but we are worried that it might get worse if we don't sort the problem out now. It would be great if you can advise us. Thanks Michelle


It's better to take a cat to the vet to have him groomed. They can sedate the cat which will make it less traumatic.

If you have problems grooming the cat and if the weather is warm, you may want to shave the cat and start over. You need to make grooming a happy time instead of a frightful and painful experience for the cat. For instance give him a special kitty treat while you are grooming, like some tuna. And only give it to him when you brush him so he will associate the experience of grooming with something pleasant. You don't want to give a male cat TOO much tuna or fish products, so find other things you cat may love, like a piece of raw steak, etc.

His behavior can be controlled by a short term prescription of kitty Prozac. Usually a two week dosage is enough. Speak to your vet about the possibility.

Here are a couple of articles that you may find helpful:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this helps.
