Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Excessively noisy kitten

Excessively noisy kitten

20 13:55:14

QUESTION: Dear Tabbi,

Please help, I don't know what to do with my 9 week old kitten.  

We have had our 9 week old kitten for 3 weeks on Friday and are at our wits ends with her now all she does is cry for attention.  She is fine as long as she is on your knee or has some sort or physical contact with you.  But as soon as you put her down she makes this horrible noise that almost sounds like a baby crying, she follows you round and is tripping you up until you pick her up again.  She even has to sleep in the bed under the blanket with me and my partner or we get no sleep all night because of this noise.  She wakes me up several times during the night and cries until I carry her to her food bowl, but manages to make her way back to the bed ok so its not like she doesn't know the way. She has almost completely stopped playing which I find very unusual for a 9 week old kitten and all she does is want to sleep on your knee or curled around your neck.  She is very skinny but I think that might be down to her breed she is a siamese x bengal.  

Me and my partner both work and have to be up early we are losing sleep because or her.  The main reason we got her was for companionship for our 4 year old male cat who was fretting for our other cat we lost earlier this year.  He now seems like a little angel in comparison.  Even he is just going out to get away from her.

Please help


ANSWER: Michelle,

The problem is that you only got one kitten. You should always get two kittens for comfort and companionship, especially when they are that young. Everything is new and scary for the little baby. And she is probably grieving and missing her littermates and mom.

I would suggest getting another kitten for your kitten, possibly one from the same litter. Kittens need another kitten to play kitty games with, to snuggle with, and for comfort and companionship when they are alone.

A kitten is not a good choice for a 4 year old cat. A kitten is too  playful and energetic for an older cat.

She may be skinny because she has worms.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for responding to my problem.  

I would love to get another kitten I would have 50 if I could but we only live in a 1 bedroom flat and because of space that is not an option.  Can you suggest any ways we can comfort her ourselves.  I would love her to start playing again and enjoy being a kitten once again and I would really like it if she didn't cry so much.  I don't know if I should be ignoring her when she cries because if I respond she will learn this is how to get what she wants or if I should be giving her extra attention to reassure her. I think she is due to be wormed this weekend, I am going to the vets tomorrow to get the vets tomorrow to get her worming treatment.


My personal opinion: two kittens wouldn't take up much space and they adapt to any size area as long as they are happy and content. I think the benefit of a companion and it's happiness, comfort, and emotional well-being value for your 'baby' would outweigh the space issue. People can't play with a kitten or give it companionship like another kitten can plus a single kitten or cat is demanding of your attention, can be destructive from being bored, can be depressed because there is no one around from 'their planet' that they can relate to, and they can grow up to be 'holy terrors'.

At least consider it for your kitten's sake and for your sanity.
