Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > what age 2nd cat is best for my kitty to get along with?

what age 2nd cat is best for my kitty to get along with?

20 14:07:08

My kitty Chloe means the world to me. I have read the advice about how to introduce a new cat to your home and animals. Me and her spend lots of quality time together, but sometimes I wonder if she is not missing out on having another kitty in the house to play, sleep, and groom with. Do you think in the long run she'll have a happier life remaining a single kitty? Or would slowing introducing a new kitty to her world be good for her? She is 1 1/2 years old and never been around other cats(I adopted her as a 12wk old kitten). If in fact you think she might like a cat friend, what is the best age; older kitty, same age, kitten? What about gender? I just want her to be as happy as possible. She is happy now as well, just wondering about these things. Thank you!

Hi Oksana,

Cats are supposed to be solitary animals, so in theory she should be just fine all by herself especially if you are home a lot.  However, I personally would never have just one because I have seen how much fun my guys have together playfighting, roughousing, chasing one another and curled up with one another for a long grooming session.  This is my opinion though and you know her best.

Adult females, most times, are the toughest to introduce a new cat to.  Usually a male of any age goes OK or the best best for you is to get a young kitten of either sex, a kitten would be the least likely to be seen as a 'threat' to your current kitty and the transition period should be fairly short.
