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Urinary problem

20 13:55:37


Akima and Me
I'm sure you hear this alot, but my cat has started peeing in random places. It's not bad yet, only twice, but I want to nip it in the bud. She is about a year old from what I can tell, maybe getting to be closer to 18 months. She is a stray I took in (rather, she adopted me) and I've had her for about 5 months. she is not yet spayed, I am planning on doing this soon. I live in a small apartment, but try to keep her from getting bored. I am home often. Within the last week she has started being a lot more vocal, yowling in ways I have never heard. she is rubbing with her face more, and she has urinated outside her litterbox twice. I recently switched litter, but it has been about two weeks so I dont think it is the new litter. could she be in heat? what suggestions do you have to stop her from urinating outside of her litter box?


What a pretty girl! Actually both of you!

Akima's actions sound very much like she is in heat. I would get her spayed as soon as possible because her behavior will get worse and more annoying.

It is possible that Akima has a urinary tract infection or urinary crystals. Both are painful when the cat urinates so the cat associates the litter box with that pain and goes elsewhere.

But the urination along with the yowling I would tend to say that it is heat related, but you may want to have whoever spays her check for a urinary tract infection while she is there.

There are many free and low cost clincs available. I would call the SPCA or the Animal Control and ask them what is available.

I hope this helps.
