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cats behavior problems

20 14:06:51

Okay, this is a long story and a little involved, but I have no where else to go. My cat, Pookie is 8 years old and has lived with me since he was 4 months. He was neutered and declawed at about 6 months old. He has always had issues with litterboxes. At first he just seemed very picky, wanting his box to be spotless. We moved 2 years ago and now, even when spotless, he urinates all over the living room. I have over the years tried different litters and boxes. He is about 18 pounds, so most litter boxes don't fit him. I've resorted to using large rubbermaid containers to give him enough room. I replace these containers every few months so the ammonia smell does not build up. He used to always just urinate and defecate nest to the box. He still will defecate next to the box, but urinates on the carpet. The carpet has repeatedly been cleaned with every pet odor eliminator I could find and I have tried to use one of those plug in systems that emits the calming phermones in the area...he doesn't care. The area around his litter box is large, not near his food or bed. He has been checked out by the vet. I can't put litter boxes anywhere else in the house because I have a dog that can get into them, the cat will not jump over baby gates to get to an area, and there's no other areas to put in cat doors. We do have another cat who has also been with us for about 6 years.
    Also, the cat has begun meowing all night long. I play with him during the day and give him lots of love. His food and water are accessible. He does not seem to be meowing AT anything but me. When I sit up and look he is just staring at me...ALL NIGHT. He does not react to spray bottles, he just meows more. I can still hear him if I lock him in his room. His meow is so loud that if I were to find earplugs that could keep his meowing out, I wouldn't hear my alarm! He never used to do this until a few weeks ago. Again, we've seen the vet and he just seems to think it's behavior issues. I am at my wits end. This cat just seems to be giving me more and more problems. What else can I try? And if there's nothing else, do you know of a good organization to take him to near Kansas City, Missouri? Thanks for any help you can give me.  


I would go to different vet. He sounds as if he may have urinary crystals. They are VERY painful and cats associate that pain with the litterbox so they go elsewhere. If not caught in time, and he gets completely blocked. it is fatal to male cats.

When a cat meows at you like you describe, he is trying to tell you something the only way he knows how. Something is wrong! Listen to him! Do NOT punish him for it!

He is getting older and may have kidney problems or any number of other older cat ailments. I would take him to the vet for a checkup right away and explain his actions. Your vet may not have tested him for the correct thing, or maybe didn't test him at all. Try a new vet.

He may have arthritis, especially being so large, which would give him problems getting in and out of a litter box. Try a baking sheet (those big aluminum sheets that are about one inch high. Or try putting down newspaper over a piece of plastic sheeting with litter on it.

A very long shot is the problems he has with litter relates back to being declawed. Some cats have life long problems from having that done. Did you know they amputate the 'fingers' back to the 1st knuckle? Because if they don't the claw will grow back. It is a very painful surgery and painful recovery. They especially have a terrible time covering litter because it hurts so much. Some cats have litterbox problems that stems from that. I'm not saying that is his problem, but it could have contributed to it.

It's not fair at his age to get rid of him especially if it's not his fault. Try everything first.

Let me know how it goes and what you find out.
