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My 9 month old kitten

20 13:54:57

Hi, I have a 9 month old kitten who has recently began to get very vocal and experiencing what seems to be sexual behaviour, rolling round the floor making noises with her bum in the air. She hasn't gone out yet nor has she been spayed as I think its only her rights to allow 1 litter only 1 litter mind! I am unsure of how to deal with this as she is my first cat. She only seems to do it when I'm on my period could this be because she is scenting me or is it she is in season or is it just normal?? please help it would be very much appreciated.

kind regards

Charlie x

Charlie X,

Your kitten is in heat! Unless you are a breeder and she is a registered cat you should have her spayed immediately. She does not need to have a litter before being spayed, that does not help her at all. If YOU want kittens then go to a shelter where there are a huge amount of kittens being put to death every day because of overcrowding and not enough homes and adopt. You shouldn't add to the amount of kittens being born. If everyone let their cat have "one litter" then think of how many additional poor little kittens would be killed by shelters, hurt, die from illness, or starve to death. Please don't add to the amount. Get her spayed ASAP!

Her behavior is probably a coincidence with you. She will cycle in and out of heat until she is either bred or spayed. It can become very annoying and irritating, and it is not good for her physically to come into heat often as she can get a uterine infection.
