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2 cats fighting

20 13:54:25

My sister recently moved back home and brought her two cats with her. One of them a female named Ruby is about 8 months and keeps attacking my cat Ally who is 6 months. I sometimes think they could be playing but Ally hisses at Riby and gets backed into a corner and I have noticed Ruby uses her claws when she tries to 'go for' Ally. It seems like she keeps bullying her. Is there anything I can do to help them get on?


I would keep a rolled up newspaper handy and swat Ruby, saying "No, No fighting". Let her know that that kind of behavior won't be tolerated. Then wait a few minutes and love on her. You want Ruby to be afraid of the newspaper, but NOT you.

Here is a good article about bully cats:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

You've got to go through an introduction period slowly. It can take 2 weeks, a month, or more for them to start getting along. You can not just put them together and expect them to get along. That very rarely ever happens.

I am attaching a couple of links on how to go about the introduction process: (copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)
Once they can be together without fighting feed both cats yummy cat treats (like tuna or pieces of raw steak) TOGETHER. That is so the cats will associate each other with something pleasant.

Also getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.) is great for interaction between the two cats. They both can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cat as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other.

AND Keep the cat's claws trimmed! Here is a website that shows with photos how to trim a cat's claws:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into the address bar)

It just takes time and lots of patience.
