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Moving an Older Cat to College

20 13:54:24

My father and I own seven cats, and we agreed that when I go away for college next year, if I am willing to pay the extra money for a pet-friendly apartment, that I will take some with me (I have issues with depression and anxiety and my cats have always been great de-stressers). I'm looking at taking three of the youngest ones, but I also really want to take one of our older cats, Cloudy. However, I worry that it would put too much strain on her. She's eight, and her and her brother have lived in the same home since we got them (they were probably around a year old at the time). She's a fairly laid back cat, but she can get very anxious if she's stressed out (she doesn't handle baths or vet visits well at all). I worry about leaving her, though, because another of our cats who is staying with my dad likes to chase her. We had a big problem with him chasing her into cupboards and her not coming out all day--not even to eat or use the litterbox. We had to move her into my room where the other cat is not allowed. Cloudy is very much a momma's girl. She follows me around, sleeps in my room, and doesn't usually allow anyone besides me to hold her. I'm worried that leaving her, particularly since my dad works all day and would not be able to give her the attention she needs, would cause her to become depressed, but I also worry that moving her would stress her out too much. What should I do?


I have found that most cats can adapt anywhere as long as they are with the person they love. I think you would miss her just as much.

Read my past answers on moving with a cat for tips. Also Bach's Rescue Remedy is great in helping to relieve stress.