Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > 1.5 y/o ragdoll why did she run off but stay under my jeep?

1.5 y/o ragdoll why did she run off but stay under my jeep?

20 13:49:37

Yesterday was a nightmare as my raggie roamed off at 12:30pm, while we were in my backyard (gone in 60 seconds) but she came in 7:30am. After reviewing our security video I see her 11 hours later at 11:30pm come running from a house/bush across the street to our gate, then she veers off and chases something up the street. At 1:30 video shows her coming back to front door and leaving to go around to my jeep. I left the rear gate open and food and water and her towel on the back steps and I was sleeping near the back door which I left open, screen shut to prevent other cat from escaping. For 5 hours video show she runs to the front door (closed), leaves, runs down walkway, crosses the street, visits bushes at other houses, comes back to my jeep (which is by the open back gate), but doesn't venture to open back gate, even to come in for food until 6:30am, getting light, then she stays in back yard until I bleary eyed wake up and see food eaten and call out to her. Then she comes like Oh Mommy I missed you. Duh. Why didn't she come to the back door and meow to be let in!!! I was right there! It was cold and windy too! What kind of behavior is this? Spring fever? I thought I heard something at 3:30 am and went out with flashlight, and video shows her around that time under my jeep and running away. Surely she knows it's me.Anyway she didn't go more than 3 -5 houses away. But came back with at least 75 fleas, each comb stroke = 3 big ugly fleas.

Hi Anna,

just a quick suggestion to your follow up comment-thank you!! and try canned Instinct- lamb, duck, rabbit or venison. Those are "new" proteins not often used in cat food. So cats with sensitivity issues often do very well on this diet i have repeatedly found. Use canned, not dry. Dry is too rich..
Best to you and your kitties!! Also, i assume she is spayed since she is from rescue? if not, yes spring to spay if she hasn't been already..

Does she normally use the front door to go in and out? Perhaps all her returns to the property was he trying to get home and not realizing you were in the back. Or does she normally go in and out through the back? If you recently introduced her to the back entrance door then it will just take her a little bit of time to get used to it.
I would possibly train her more acutely to only use the back door. Better yet install a cat door in the back of the property.  She may have not thought to go to the back door and/or she was having such a good time? At that age, especially they are super curious and explore.
Sorry for the scare! She must have been super happy to see you :)

The fact that she has so many fleas or acquired so many makes me want to urge you to make sure she is on an excellent high quality diet like avoderm, or wysong or holistic select -canned. some dry is ok not too much. Some like raw and some will cook for their cats and add taurine and the essentials cats need to the food.
I would buy nemotodes for the property-they wil eat the fleas. And flea buster salt to treat the home just in case she brought any in.
Fleas will flock to an animal that isn't in the best of health so be sure to keep her diet excellent. Picking up a few fleas is normal. but 75 seems like a lot.

Best, Shanti