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Inherited a Cat that is about 10 years old

20 14:06:08

I have just inherited my Dad's cat and am at a lost as how to get the cat adapted to living with me. He cries all the time. He also was allowed to go out all day and come and go as he pleased and inside at night. I am afraid to let him out now as I live in a very wooded and isolated area. Please I need some help as to what I can do to get him to except me and his new surroundings.

Thank you so much and any advise would be most welcome.


It is going to take time and patience and lots of love. Cats grieve and have separation anxiety. Older cats do not deal with that as well as younger cats.

He has to get used to a new person, a new home, a new routine, new smells, and deal with the loss of this familiar home and person. That is a lot for a cat to deal with. If you let him out now he may try to go back to find 'his person'.

You can take the cat to the vet for some 'kitty Prozac' or similar medication. The vet can put him on short term (usually about 2 weeks) medication for 'depression' and stress which will make the adjustment easier for him. Talk to your vet about it.

I would leash train him and take him for walks in the woods so he knows where he is. Here is a good link on how to do that:

Other than that, just reassure him, give him kitty treats, and try to make the stress of it easier.

Here is a good link to articles about caring for an older cat that you may want for future reference: (copy and paste, or type the whole link into your address bar)
