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Cat Meowing loud in the mornings

20 13:58:08

Hi. I have a male neutered cat that is approx 3 years old. We moved a few months ago into our new place and he adjusted MUCH quicker than he had in previous moves.

The past 2 weeks he has been starting to cry between 4-6am every morning loud and does not stop. Of course it wakes me up, and before I  would call his name and pet him and he would eventually stop but Im beginning to lose sleep from having to wake up every morning much earlier than need be. I dont know how to show him its NOT okay... or not sure if this could be normal? Please help and give me some recommendations. thanks!


Have you tried free-choice feeding? Leave a big bowl full of a good quality dry food out all the time. Or at least at night. Then when the cat is hungry he can nibble without bothering anyone.

Also play with him before bedtime, like with a pet laserlight (you can get them at PetSmart, etc.), to tire him out. After you play with him, before you go to bed, give him a cat of wet food (canned cat food).

That way his tummy is full, he is tired, and you have more of a chance of him sleeping through the night.

He is screaming to get your attention for whatever reason. As long as it isn't' a medical issue, the way to stop that is to ignore him. COMPLETELY! It is very difficult and annoying, but you can not acknowledge his actions in ANY. He will EVENTUALLY stop when he doesns't get any reaction or attention from you. You have to be consistant though. If you even react once to him, then it won't work and it will be worse because the cat will know if he does it long enough eventually you WILL react, so he will keep it up longer.

But if he has food available, gets attention and playtime before bed, and has a full tummy from a can of food, then you may not have any more problem with him unless it's just a habit. Then you need to break that habit by ignoring him.

Also getting a 2nd kitty about his age and temperment might help keep him from being bored. Cats need cat mates to play kitty games with, cuddle with, and keep them company. 2 cats are easier than one because it takes the pressure off of you to keep them amused, to constantly play with them, and always be giving them attention.

Also, anytime a cat's behavior noticably changes it is good to have him checked for a medical issue causing it. He could have a urinary tract infection, urinary crystals, ear infection, etc.

I hope this helps.
