Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > stress


20 13:55:22

i have a cat thats around 10 months old he was a stray that i took in he was usually a very high energetic cat wasnt to affectionate( he didnt like to be held much but loved to be very agressive when playing but wouldnt bite or anything really hard ) but a few days ago i brought a dog into the house and he has did a 360 on his behavior he wont play he wont purr he meows very week he wont eat unless i take him to the food he wont even drink any water unless i put it directly in his face all he wants to do is sleep the first 2 days was very stressfull on him he would hiss and bat at the dog but now they can both be in the same room with out any problems but he still wont eat or anything unless i help him im afraid he is gonna get really sick or something he is also shedding more than normal and acts like he dont want me to love on him he bats my hand away after a few minutes of petting him he has also lost wieght in the last few days and acts as though his mouth is dry  how can i help him to get back to his normal crazy self thats what i named him cuz he used to act really crazy now hes just so lazy help plz


If the cat is still acting lethargic and off his food he needs to be seen by the vet ASAP. Since he is a stray he may have one of the cat diseases that are common to street cats but that can be cured or relieved by medication. If not treated it possibly could be fatal depending on what is wrong. It could also be a mouth or teeth problem. He MUST drink though. Dehyradation is also fatal.

Try giving him something that has a strong smell to it, like people tuna to tempt his taste buds.

He may also be upset and depressed about the dog in which case he will get over it.
