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catnip tea for the cats?.......

20 13:52:51

I have two cats that fight constantly. Is it a good idea to feed them catnip water to make them happy?


No. It is the smell of catnip that attracts the cat, ingesting it won't have the desired effect. But there IS a product that you can put in the cat's water that will help calm them. It is called Bach's Rescue Remedy. You can get it at a health food store (people use it too), or online.  People swear by it for aggressive behavior, and other emotional and physical behaviors. You can get it at a health food store (people use it too) or on-line. I will give you some detailed information about it:

Flower essences work on both physical and emotional issues to help heal and calm. They are non-toxic and have NO side effects, and are safe for pets and animals of all sizes.  

BACH'S RESCUE REMEDY is the most commonly used. Rescue Remedy can be used on wild or tame animals for any acute trauma, fear, or stress situations. It will not change the inherent temperament of an animal, but will help bring them into balance.

The remedy can be given by mouth, which is the most effective method, but a few drops of the Rescue Remedy on the gums, or even in the ear, of the very stressed and/or aggressive animal will calm them down and make them easier to handle. It can also be sprayed on the skin or ears with a spray bottle and it will still have a beneficial effect.

For cats, only a few drops (2-4) are necessary. They need not be swallowed, but MUST contact the mucous membranes (gums, tongue, lips). You can also add a dropper full to the water dish, or a few drops on wet food (there is no effect of dilution). You can add a dropper full to a spray bottle filled with spring water, and use it to spray a room, carrier, car, around litter boxes or plants, or other problem areas. You can also put a few drops in your hand and pat the animal on the head and around the ears with it--the head is very sensitive to energy and will absorb the flower essences in this way.

There is no improper or wrong method of applying the Bach Remedies. It is not necessary to be precise in counting the number of drops in any of the dilution methods. The Rescue Remedy is non-toxic and therefore has no side effects.

For serious or acute conditions the remedy can be given as often as needed, even every few minutes. For most behavioral problems 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks is sufficient, though some may animals may need drops or a dropper full added to their drinking water long-term.

More information about Bach's can be found on these websites:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

Are your cats neutered? If not, I would get them done ASAP! Fixing a cat can solve a lot of behavior problems. Cats are like people, some have a personality clash and cannot get along. Usually with cats it is a territorial issue.

I would get after them with a rolled up newspaper saying loudly "no fighting!!" to let them know that you won't allow that kind of behavior. Then wait a few minutes and love on them because you want them afraid of the newspaper and to fight, but NOT afraid of YOU!

A lot of times when resident cats fight it is a territorial issue...and sometimes that territory is YOU. Periodically lock one cat in a room for awhile, or if an inside/outside cat, put one outside to let one cat relax and give you a chance to give the cat some quality time and play time with you, and maybe a special cat treat.

Get a pet laser light (Petco, PetSmart, etc.). The cats love to chase to chase to little red 'bug' on the floors, walls, and ceiling. They tend to forget about each other when they focus on the 'bug' and it can help them be together without fighting.

Get some special cat treat like Tuna (people kind), tinned sardines in oil, etc. and feed them together. That is so they will associate each other with something pleasant and not negative.

You can try rubbing catnip in the carpet which can help mellow cats out. Though I have 2 cats that catnip will make them aggressive. You just have to try it and see how they react to it.

Also keep the cat's claws trimmed to help avoid injuries. Here is a great link with photos that show how to trim the cat's claws with photos:
