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scaredy cat

20 13:58:34

hi, we have adopted a female cat recently.shes 1 year old and has had all her
shots and is in good health.shes very submissive and doesnt bite but shes
terrified and runs and hides in the closet with the slightest noise.weve had
her for a month now and she only comes out to eat and use the kitty box in
the middle of the night when we are asleep.we have been bringing her out
and putting her on the bed and giving her love a few times a day but she
keeps running back and hiding in the closet,we know this will take alot of
time and effort, but whats the best way to let her know shes safe now?should
we do what we have been doing or should we let her come out when shes
ready? again shes been doing this for a month now.  thanks charlie


It sounds like she was a feral kitten, and they have an inbred distrust of humans. It may take quite a while for her to learn to trust you and get used to her surroundings.

The best thing is to get her a kitty friend. She needs the comfort and companionship of a another kitten about her age. She can learn from another cat, plus she has someone to cuddle with when she is scared, someone to play with, and relate to.

I would let her come around at her own pace as she feels comfortable. You need time, patience, and love. You can't force her. Try bribing her with kitty treats like tuna, tinned sardines in oil, etc. Food is a great icebreaker. Also sit near her and let her get used to your voice and movements.
