Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Our Cat keeps us awake at night

Our Cat keeps us awake at night

20 13:55:22

Our cat Luna who is about 4 yrs keeps my husband awake when she snuggles
between us as she purrrs loudly and keeps turning around.
Otherwise she keeps me awake by meowing constantly on the ground below
our bed and so sometimes we have had enough so we shut her out our room
and then the meowing is constant.
What's going on with her?  it's started recently.
Also noticed that when our baby daughter sleeps (in her crib also in our
room) the cat will throw open the door and will start to Meow and it's as if she
doesn't want anyone to sleep.
Please help me help her.


You need to change your routine with the cat and get her used to the new one. Play with her right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.)  A good play session before bedtime will tire her out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for you both!  Give the cat a can of catfood (or her big meal) after you play with her, just before you go to bed. That way she will have a full tummy, be tired from playing, and will (hopefully!) sleep through the night (or most of it).

You need to put a stop to the bad habit of waking you up. THAT is the hardest part. To do that, you need to COMPLETELY ignore the cat when she starts it. Don't acknowledge her at all. No matter what she does or how long she does it. No verbal or physical acknowledgment at all. EVENTUALLY the cat will stop doing it if she's not getting any attention from it because that is the sole purpose of her actions. If her behavior gets your attention, then she will continue doing it.  You HAVE to be consistent! If you respond to her even once it won't work any more and the habit will continue, even worse than before, because she has found that if she continues long enough EVENTUALLY you will give in to her attention getting behavior so she will keep it up (she hasn't got anything else to do.

You might also think about getting a kitty friend for her about the same age. That would give her somebody to play with and to keep her company which would take some of the pressure off of you to keep her entertained. It's not good for a cat to depend too much on humans for their companionship and play. A single cat is more likely to be annoying, demanding, and more destructive due to lack of stimulation
and kitty companionship.

I am also including some good articles about cats and babies that you should find helpful:
(copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar),%20Children,%20And%20Cats....

I hope this helps.
