Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > How to train a cat to come to u when u call it?

How to train a cat to come to u when u call it?

20 14:07:13

HI i have bought a siamese kitten which is 6 weeks old and now its name is Prince.Now how do i have to tram him(male)to come to me when i call him?

Hello Dewar,

6 weeks is quite young to bring a kitten home, for now I would focus on the regular stuff like litter box training but once he's about 3 months old you can certainly train him to come when called.  Cats can be trained much like dogs, the difference is cats aren't as eager to please their people as dogs are so you must use food.  Start by standing right in front of the kitten with a food treat, I recommend tiny bits of dried liver, they love it, call his name and give him the treat, do this about 10-15 times then move away a step and repeat, move away another two steps and repeat continue this until you are accross the room and then try calling from somewhere in the house.  Cats are very smart and this is generally all it would take.  If he fails to come at any point in the process just go closer and start once again from there.  A couple of days of this and he should have it down.  A small warning though, be careful the kind of treat you use as this much of the store bought treats can cause diarrhea, make sure you use something natural and healthy.

Hope this helps,
