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Behaviour Change

20 13:52:36

My cat is 18 months, she was fixed just before summer, i didnt notice any change in her behaviour after this. But in the past month or so, she has become really clingy, she is constantly walking over me and under my feet, this may sound trivial but it makes day to day tasks difficult. She cant seem to just sit down anymore, she is constantly pulling things down to try and pull them apart, tissue of any kind being her favourite. Im not too fussed by this change in behaviour, but i live in a shared house and she is really begining to get under the skin of my flatmates, Im worried that they are going to say she has to go. Is there anything i can do to make her calm down again?


It could be a number of things causing her behavior.

She may need a 'friend' for company, companionship, and play. A single cat can be more destructive due to a high energy level and resulting boredom.

Give her more toys and things to help burn off energy. Give her own roll or box of tissues to play with, a pet laser light #at PetSmart, etc.# is great for burning up energy and playing interactively with you #she can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls#,   Ping Pong balls in the bathtub are fun #plug the drain or they get stuck#, little furry toy mice that she can bat around, little sparkly craft balls #from a craft store or Wal-Mart craft dept.# that you can throw for her to chase #some cats will retrieve and bring them back to you to throw again#, maybe a secure cage with gerbils, mice, or lizards that she can watch and safely try to 'hunt',videos for cats #my cats love them!#, here is a link where I got mine:

I would suggest, if you don't already, to free-feed. That is keeping a bowl of a high quality dry food always available. If she is hungry she can 'munch' when she wants without bugging you to eat.

Sometimes the behavior is caused by insecurity and change in the home. If so, give her lots of reassurances. And, some cats are more 'needy' for attention than others. That is just their personality. It's sweet, but can be annoying.

I hope these suggestions will give you some ideas and help her behavior.
