Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > feline near death behaviour/asked Kathleen in UK

feline near death behaviour/asked Kathleen in UK

20 13:58:42

You sent me an incorrect link for the answer to my question today.  You sent me:
Doesn't work.
Can you pls send me correct link?  Many thanks.
Question yest. was "Do cats wander away from owners to die on their own?


I am not the person who sent you an answer, sorry, so I do not know the circumstances, but I will make a comment to the question in this post.

Cats do not "go off to die"...because they have no concept of death. A cats will try to get away from pain, which is how the term probably came about. If they are sick, they want to be left alone and go somewhere quiet and peaceful to them. If their illness results in death, then "going off to die" is mis-named because of their actions.
