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kitten training

20 14:04:21

when i got my kitten he was going to the litter tray no problem but all of a sudden he's going to a specific corner to do his poo what can i do to prevent him from doing this.


First you should take him to the vet to rule out a medcal issue causing his behavior (intestinal problems, intestinal worms, constipation, etc.). The kitten should also be neutered which can cause behavior problems.

The problem may be with the placement of the litterbox. Some cats prefer more privacy. Try moving the litterbox to the corner where he is going. Try a different litter or a bigger litterbox.

He may be upset or stressed about something. Have their been any changes that could bother him? New pets? New people in the home? Have you been playing with him the same amount? Have you been leaving him alone alot?

Sometimes it is good to get a kitty friend about his same age to play kitty games with, to keep him from being boed, to have another kitty to snuggle with and to comfort him. Two kitties are easier to take care of than one because it takes the pressure off of you to keep the kitten amused and give it attention all the time.

I hope this helps.
