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litter box training ferrell kitten

20 13:56:00

After spending the last 2 months befriending a ferrell kitten from my work-place, I was finally able to rescue him three weeks ago.  He is now 4 months old, and has adapted well to indoor living - except for using a litter box.  He lets me know when he needs to go outside (I have an enclosed patio with a small garden area which I clean up after each outing), so fortunately he has never soiled anywhere inside the house.  I have tried a natural litter (wheat), a clumping clay litter, and even tried sand in the litter box (and a combination of all three), but he has no interest in using the box.  Each time he goes to the door to go outside, I place him in the litter box first hoping that he will 'get the idea', but to no avail.  Do you have any suggestions that I might try to encourage him to use the litter box rather than going outside?  He has otherwise become an outstanding addition to the household.  Thank you for any suggestions you may provide.


You have made excellent progress in 4 months! Good for you and lucky kitty!

A feral kitten is not a domesticated cat and won't behave like one. And a cat used to going outside will still want to go outside because they are creatures of habit and association. He may think it's 'wrong' to go inside also.

I will give you some suggestions that may help.

You can try putting a litterbox outside in the garden area where he goes with fresh dirt or sand in it. If he uses it, then keep moving it closer to the door until eventually you put it inside.

You may also want to try a LARGE cat litterbox or plastic storage container inside with the dirt in it that he uses outside, including some of his poop in it at first. If he uses it, then slowly keep adding litter to it until eventually it is all litter. Sometimes small litterboxes don't work because some cats need room so they won't get their paws 'dirty'.

Also you can try locking him in a room with his litterbox, food, and water for awhile (a day or two). He may have fits, but he should be forced to use the litterbox, and may continue after that.

You may want to install a cat door so that he can go in and out on his own. If you need instructions for training him to use a cat flap send a followup message.

I hope this helps,