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Change in bothmy cats behaviour

20 14:04:28

Hi, My cat Skit is a portrait of his name sake. Although he is very skitish, he is just over 1 year old and is very obedient and loving. Recently my boyfriend has been spending alot more time at my house and I have discovered that my cat has taken to leaving little pieces of excrement on the bed or on the couch. He has never ever defecated in the house even when he was a kitten. He is litter boxed trained and is the best cat I've ever had. I also think that his appetite has dwindled a little as well. I also have seen a change in his sister Xen who hardly comes into the house now - she comes in to eat only. I love my two cats and so does my b/f. Just before my female cat began spending more time out of the house I noticed that her third eye became more visible and I immediately took her to the vet to rule out any illnesses. She was given a perfect bill of health. In about a week or so her eyes returned to normal but now she won't sleep in the house as she used to or hang around the house at all. Just before her brother skit began pooping on the furniture his third eye became more visible as well.
What's going on??


The third eye can become visible because of too much light, debris under the eyelid (that would have to be removed under anesthetic) or illness. For some cats though it is normal for it to come and go and nothing is wrong.

Your cats sound as if they are stressed by your boyfriend moving in and changing their habits and routines. It will take time and patience with lots of love and kitty treats to get them comfortable with the change.

Have your boyfriend feed the cats. Food is a great bribe plus when he feeds them they see him as an extension of you. Getting something like a pet laser light (PetSmart, Petco, etc.) is good for interactive play between your cats and your boyfriend which will build up their confidence and trust around him. Or a fishing type toy, pulling a rope, etc. are also good ways to play with the cats.

I hope this helps.