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Male Cat Still Sprays After Being Neuter

20 13:52:45

I had a question my male cat got neuter last week October 14 2009.  People told me that if I neuter him this would stop this behavior.  But he still is spraying on the walls and some other areas of the house.  I also have a female cat she got spayed last year ....both of them don't get along and usually the male attacks her and this has being going on before and after my male cat got neuter...someone told that after male cats get neuter they still have some testosterone left and that it will go away in 2 to 3 weeks is... that true??? Help!


It may take 30 days or more for the testosterone to get out of the male's system. Male cats that have already started spraying before they were neutered MAY still continue but, after the testosterone is out of their system, it will not have that strong male urine odor. You need to yell at him to scare him if you catch him doing it and put him in the litterbox, or make him go outside if he is an indoor/outdoor cat.

Until the testosterone is out of his system he will still have the urge to 'mark his territory', especially if he sees other cats outside and can't get to them to defend his territory.

He may also have what is called Redirected Aggression. That happens when a cat sees a strange cat outside and  becomes territorial, but can't get to the strange cat to defend his territory. The cat then turns on the closest animal member of the family and fights with them as if they were the other cat. You may not see the animal that the cat sees.

The first thing you need to do is block the window past the cat's eye level of the window he can see another cat out of (out of sight, out of mind). If it is allowed to go on your cat may develop a permanent personality change. Also put the cat in a room by itself for at least 4 hours to calm down when he behaves like that.

There is a calming product that you can add to the cat's food or water that reduces anxiety called Bach's Rescue Remedy. It is available on-line and in health food stores. Here is a link about it: (copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

Try giving both cats a special treat, like a can of tuna. Feed them next to each other so that being together is a pleasant experience and not a negative one.

I would keep a rolled up newspaper handy and when the male starts picking on the female, I would whap him with it saying loudly "leave her alone!". Cats go by association and you want him to associate the newspaper with his aggression towards the female. Let him know that his behavior is not acceptable. The newspaper won't hurt him, but the noise should scare him. Wait a few minutes then love on him. You want him to be afraid of the newspaper, but NOT afraid of you. He should get the association soon and then all you should have to do is pickup the newspaper and say "I said NO!" and he should think twice about being aggressive.

I hope this helps!
