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creating an outdoor area for the cat to poop in.

20 13:58:20

Is It possible to create a specific outdoor area for the cat to poop in? She comes in and goes out as she pleases and especially likes to take care of business, out of doors, in nice weather. unfortunately her spot of choice is the main walk. Is there any way to train or convince, or even make appealing a more clandestine corner?
Thank you


I have had luck with using children's play sand that you can get at Home Depot (or other building supply store). Put a large pile of the sand where you want her to go. Cats will usually play in it then use it for a litterbox. There's something about real sand that attracts cats...I guess the feel of it under their paws.

To discourage where she is going now use orange peels or other citrus peels. Put them in a blender and add a little water. Sprinkle that around where she is going. Cats hate the smell of citrus so she should change her 'area of choice'.

Or you can try taking an indoor litterbox and putting it in the area she is using now. If she uses it then gradually move it to where you want her to go. Then take it away after a while and she should still use that area.

I hope this helps.