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Cat rebeling during pregnancy

20 13:57:27

I have two cats one I have had for 7 years and one for two.  They are both litter box trained and I have never had any problems.  I am three months pregnant and the young one starting using the bathroom on the carpet. I cleaned the box twice a day and made sure she always had fresh litter.  She wouldn't stop so my husband gave her away a couple days ago.  This morning I woke up and found poop on the carpet from the older one as well.  It is like they are rebeling and I don't know what to do.  PLEASE help... I am still heartbroken from losing my little one..I can not lose another.
thank you,


You are not alone! Yours is the 2nd question I had today from a pregnant woman who is having litterbox issues with her cats.

Cats sense when there is something different going on in the household and react like your cats did when it upsets them.

Here are some good links to read about dealing with cats and babies:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar),%20Children,%20And%20Cats....

I hope this helps.
