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our new kitten wont play!

20 14:06:10

QUESTION: Dear Tabbi, We recently lost a 9 wk. old kitten do to fading kitten syndrome.(which was the saddest thing i ever seen, and don't won't to see ever again) we have a 3yr. old son which loved our beloved kitten (we had her for a month.)Do to our heartache of losing Shasta,also because of our little boy we decided to get another kitten a little older. Well she is a great kitten, never puts her claws out for any reason (except to sharpen her claws on the carpet of which is fine, (i'm going to purchase those nail coverings that they have for cats in many different colors of which i think is very cool and doesn't cost much at all $14.95 for 4month supply they look so cute on and don't bother the cat at all you can purchase them at your local shelter.)Here is our problem the little kitten we got out of the newspaper loves attention, and when i say attention boy do i mean attention she wants loved all the time, she turns into butter when you love her, she is so relaxed that she will almost fall out of your lap because she's so into loving you, (of which i love too!)the problem is she doesn't really want to play which is a complete bummer for our 3yr.old you have to keep bugging her to respond to playing of which gets pretty boring because it takes a really long time to get her to play she'll roll over and want you to rub her belly(all day if you do it)you can touch every part of her little body she could care less(which is great because of our 3yr.old) 'but' we want her to play to,she's almost 4months old. Please help us with this, i don't understand she's still very much a kitten. Also when she's not wanting attention she's sleeping, why? Is she to little for cat nip? Thank you for any insight with this problem.   Jamie

ANSWER: Jamie,

I sorry about Shasta. I've seen the fading kitten syndrome quite a few times and it is sad because you can't do anything to help them.

About the new kitten. There are some cats who just don't have any interest in playing except for some short spurts. I have a 'lover' like yours. His name is Lotsa Luv (I wonder why! (smile))and he will give up food for some loving! He is 3 years old and the only playing he will do is if I pull a shoestring for him, then he will chase it. But he does not play with any of the other cats and never has. And he also sleeps alot too. On the other hand I have one that plays ALL the time. And if you try holding her to pet her she squirms away and runs to get her little toy for you to throw. And she only takes catnaps in between wanting to play. It all depends on their basic personalities. And all cats are different.

Your cat may play with the 3 year old when you aren't home, but when you are home she doesn't want to take a chance on losing out on some lovin'. Have you tried a pet laser light? That can get the two cats going interactively. Also a kitty condo that she can scratch her claws on and run up and down is good. Get her to climb to the top if she wants to be petted. She may also get into 'chase' with the 3 year old if she has one.

You can try catnip. I don't think she is too young. And if she is still, then the other cat will enjoy it. Though there are some cats who it doesn't affect and have no interest in it. I have a couple like that, but the rest love it. Though one gets mentally unstable and mean! How catnip affects them also depends on personality.

If nothing works then you and the boy kitty may have to resign yourselves to the fact that you have a 'lover', and not a 'player'.

As far as Soft Paws claw tips, be careful that you read and follow the instructions exactly or you will wind up with a kitten who has an infection from them. I personally would just keep her claws trimmed and have a good scratching post or kitty condo that you have rubbed with catnip for both of the cats to scratch on. If you don't know how to trim claws write back and I will give you instructions. Or you can Google [trimming cat claws] and get a bunch of articles on it.

I hope this helped some.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Tabbi,  I would like to say thank you for your quick responce to my letter,it help greatly. I purchased the pet laser,also the catnip,and boy what a different little kitty we have now,it brought her out of her shell. We are having lots of fun now. I would also like to add that i did purchased the softpaws claw tips,and thanks for telling me about infection. I check her nails all the time when i'm petting her belly. Oh by the way the 3yr. old i was telling you about was my little boy(son)not another cat,but that's okay you must read a ton of letters a day. Luckly i knew what you were getting at.Anyhow thanks again for all your help i will keep your e-mail address handy if and when i need your help again.   P.S. The softpaws claw tips "ARE" a huge advantage to keeping our little boy scratch free. Cleo looks adorable with her purple little nails.   THANKS AGAIN!   Jamie


Oops...sorry about mistaking your son for a cat! Yes, alot of people refer to their other cats by age and as their 'children' so I mis-interpreted that part of your question. I guess I thought you had a child AND a 3 yr old cat. "I get SO confused!" (smile).

Thank you for the nice words. I'm glad that helped the kitty. And I'm happy the SoftPaws are working out.
