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Kitten plays with food constantly

20 13:53:09

My girlfriend has a six-month old female kitten that plays with her food on a constant basis.  The kitten has done this since she was old enough to eat solid food.  I attempted to research a solution for this problem, however, I've found that most common problem people have with cats playing with their food is that the cat will simply knock it out of the bowl to eat it.  The kitten I'm referring to will scoop her dry food out of the bowl just to play with it on the floor.  This happens at least 10 times a day.  She's also knocking over her water dish a few times a day (she doesn't play with the water on the floor).  She's extremely active, but has plenty of other toys to play with.  Any suggestions as to how we can alleviate this problem?  Thank you in advance, Michele


If it is feasible, I would get another kitten for her to play with. Kittens need the companionship, comfort, and play-partner that another kitten provides. A single kitten can be more destructive because they need to find ways to keep themselves amused. A 'friend' would help with that.

A kitten needs lots of toys too. Stuffed furry toy mice to bat around, ping pong balls in the bathtub with the drain stopped up because they get stuck), balls to roll around, etc. The smarter the kitten the more you need to mentally stimulate it. Also an active kitten (which means it's healthy) needs ways to burn off energy. Another kitten would help with that too. Also getting a pet laser light where the kitten can chase the little 'red bug' also is good for burning excess energy.

Get a ceramic water dish the kitten can't tilt. Playing with the food is a common, harmless habit (though messy). She will grow out of it, or get bored with it and stop doing it. She probably likes the sound and how the cat food moves when she bats it. Try getting a low sided box and put some marbles in it she can bat. If you want her to to stop something, give her an alternative.
