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Dont know what going on!?!

20 13:55:56

I have two cats,male and female...both of them have been fixed. They've been together for 15+ years. They just all of the sudden starting fighting,and its no little fight. Rolling around,screaming,hair flying fights.I don't know what's gotten into them. I don't know what to do? Can anyone help?


Don't panic. Your cats are approximately 80 years old in human years and their behavior is more than likely age-related. At that age they can get kitty Alzheimer's and act in a bizarre manner and get confused easily. Pain also makes cats aggressive which they could have from arthritis, or any number of things.

I would suggest finding a vet that specializes in geriatric cat care and their conditions. Not all vets do which can be detrimental to an elderly cat. They should have an "older cat checkup". They check the function of this kidneys, thyroid, liver, etc. These checkups should be done every six months when you have a geriatric cat. If caught early some conditions can be treated with medication, especially pain medication for arthritis, which will ease any discomfort, and extend their quality of life.

Being prepared and knowledgeable about elderly cats will make things easier for the cat and for you. I am including some very good links about elderly cats:
(Copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

And I know it sounds morbid, but it has been proven that cats (and other animals) can smell the impending death in another animal and sometimes will attack it. I sincerely hope that it is not the case here, but because of their age, you do need to be prepared.

If you need to put your poor kitties to sleep at some point, or lose them, here is an EXCELLENT site for emotional support, and where you can have a memorial for your kitties:

I hope this helps. And don't get angry and frustrated with the cats, they are probably as confused about their behavior as you are. Give them a lot of reassurance and love. They need it now more than ever.
