Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > bathing kitten/cat

bathing kitten/cat

20 13:53:11

hi , i just bought my own persian kitten right now, i wanna know if i will going to bathe it everyday? or once a week?.....  tnx


Congratulations on your new kitten! Bathe, it's not necessary. A dog, yes...a cat, no. A cat cleans and grooms itself very well on it's own. Bathing a cat just creates stress and trauma, and removes needed oils on the skin for the cat. You only need to bathe a cat if rolls in something offensive, like mud or doggy 'stuff'. Maybe if you were taking the cat to a show, but not for a house cat. DO need to brush the cat DAILY to prevent mats and hairballs that are common to long-haired cats.
