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Wild domestic cat

20 13:55:59

My cat acts as if she is feral or wild and bites a lot. We got her when she was about 5 weeks old, her mother was a stray. My cat is now 2 years old and still acts out. What should I do?
P.S. her teeth are sharper and longer than normal. I have had cats before and they look a lot different. Why could that be?


That is typical inherited behavior for ferals. They can be very loving and devoted, BUT they do not like to be petted for very long, and they DO NOT like to be held or restrained. They are not like domesticated house cats and do not act like them. I have some I have had from birth, but at a year and a half, they still won't let me 'cuddle' them. They instantly squirm to get down, or growl if I don't let go of them. I understand that and don't press the issue because it just upsets them. Two of the 4 will get on my lap and settle down, as long as they are free to jump down anytime.

Ferals will often bite. It's an inherited instinctive behavior. You have to let them know that that is unacceptable behavior. Say "NO"! Loudly, dump the cat to the floor if you are holding it, then ignore it. Do it everytime she tries to bite so she associates your reaction to her biting. But becareful about punishing or yelling at ferals. They are very sensitive and you can undo any trust you have built up with them easily.

To avoid getting bit or scratched, you need to watch her tail and ears. If you are touching her or petting her and her ears pin back or her tail starts swishing, then stop NOW. That is a warning sign that she is going to bite or scratch.

A feral cat usually will keep whatever personality they have. That is who and what they are, and they usually don't change. They may get varying degrees of tame, but they are still ferals.

Large fangs doesn't mean that you have a 'wild' cat, just that there were some large fanged cats in her history that may or may not have been wild. I had a a number of tame, domesticated cats with long fangs. One had fangs almost down to his bottom chin!

I hope this helps,