Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > I need help...

I need help...

20 13:58:48

Ok about 3 weeks ago I adopted a male kitten. He had been neutered already. He is about 16 weeks old now. I have a lot of problems with him. First I've never had a cat who cried as much. He seems fixated with the bathroom and drinks water from the sink, and has also picked my shower curtain to death. Second he jumps and hangs of the curtains in my bedroom and is quickly tearing them up. Next I can't get him to stop jumping up on the counter where in the process he tears up my barstool seats which are leather. I love this cat but I'm really frustrated right now. Please help me if you can. Thanks!


Our other expert is no longer here so I am trying to answer some of her back questions.

Your cat needs a friend. He is bored and lonely. Cats need other cats for comfort and companionship, to play kitty games with, and to snuggle with. A single bored kitty can be a very destructive kitty.

You need to get him things to burn up his energy. A pet laser light is great for that. Also give him stuffed toy mice he can bat around, put ping pong balls in the bathtub (plug the drain), balls that he can bat and chase, etc. A cat tree in front of the window helps occupy them, as does gerbils, mice, hamsters, etc. in a cage.

I hope this helps.
