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cat stressed out/ bach rescue remedy

20 14:04:14

I have 2 cats, both fixed (older female and 5-yr old male)and just reintroduced (after 6months apart) my sons and their 5-yr old cat(he was raised with mine). My 'boy' has started marking  my bed to claim me as HIS.  I have separated them and slowly reintroducing them again.  I was intrigued by your suggestion of Bach Rescue Remedy to help stressed out pets.  What dosage (they both are about 25 lbs. (they are under vet's care to lose weight) should I use- my vet had never heard of this remedy ( I use it for me and my 2legged kids)?


Two or three drops in a bowl of water often provide quick relief.
If your cat does not like the taste (the alcohol content is almost negligible after dilution), you can rub one or two drops behind the cat's ear.

Here is an excellent and informative article about Bach's Flower Essence:

Here is the link to the website: or
The also have a contact link.

Here is a forum about dogs but it is on the people's experiences with Bach's Rescue Remedy. There is also a tidbit or two on cats:
