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My cat Missy is a very sweet cat but gets angry all of a sudden

20 14:02:57

My cat Missy is a very sweet cat but sometimes out of the random she growls in the pit of her stomach and hiss' just randomly! Like one minute shes rubbing up against your leg and the next after you pet her shes hissing and biting and scratching! I don't know what to do. I've googled some stuff but its just not the same. She is a female, about 3 in heat so that might have something to do with it. I just don't know what to do. Help!??

Dear Madison,

If Missy is into heat, she may get a little cranky every now and then. She will want some time for snuggle and cuddle, but then she will have a fit, showing she has had enough. I suggest you pet her for a little bit, and then calmly leave her be, so she has time to adjust.

Missy may have an "irritated spot" which is the term uncommonly used for cats who get a sudden irritating itch. I use it for my cat all the time. When I say that, I'm telling you that if you pet her in a certain spot, she may get in a tempur tantrum, because she may feel in need to lick or scratch herself. She may feel a little bit of pain as well.

You may need to spay Missy, so she doesn't keep going on with this kind of behavior. It could change her personality forever, because she may get tired of going into heat, and having kittens. But it may be better for her.

Missy also may be hissing, and scratching, because of her past experience. Sometimes cats get mad, from what happened before to her.

Lastly, females can get very agressive after too much emotion. They can be a little more agressive then males, even as the solo cat of the house. If she is just fresh every now and then, then unfortunately this is the problem. I had a cat that will be as sweet as anything, Pansy, and then randomly try to scratch you, and then hiss at you. Try to give Missy space for now, but don't neglect her when it comes to sensitivity.

Missy still loves you, because I'm sure you treat her greatly, but her giving birth or going into heat is stressful for her. Try to give her comfort, like pillows, and anything she really loves being around, and some quiet space.

If you need any further advice, e-mail me, and we can talk about what is going on with Missy. Thank you for choosing me for the expert, and I hope I helped with you and Missy. Which breed is Missy? That may have something to do with it. I suggest you look up her breed. Thanks again and I hope I helped.
