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taming two cats

20 13:57:27

Please help,  I started feeding two kittens about three months ago, I think they are about 6 months now. They were very afraid of me and i was unable to get them in the house.  I started feeding them at the back of the garden and gradually moved them up the garden and to the back door,  I am now able to feed the cats in the back hall and the kitchen but I am unable to close the back door while they are eating.   The cats will run freely about my house but they will always be closer to the back door than I am.  I have bought them toys and cat litters and they use both.  My problem is anytime i approach them they run out the back door and on the two occasions i was able to lock them in the house they were so scared and tried to jump through closed windows and i had to re-open door.  The kittens will smell my hands and have played with the bottom of my jeans but if i move at all they run for there lives,  how can i show them i wont hurt them???


They are feral kittens and that is typical behavior for them. It is inbred and inherited in them to distrust humans.

You have made good progress. Sometimes it takes MONTHS for them to slowly learn to trust you. They are not ready to be in the house! It is good what you are doing, just keep doing it, but leave them an escape. Don't try to force them inside because you will undo the trust you have gained. And sometimes it hard to get it back.

Just go very slowly with them. Every baby step is a step toward socializing them. Time, patience, and food works the best. They usually will only bond to one person (their caregiver). Expect them to be skittish and panic if someone else comes around.

I have one feral that I have had since birth yet if there is a sudden noise or she sees a strange person, she hides under the bed for hours.

They are not like domesticated cats and will not behave or act like one. Though they can be loving, lay next to you, follow you around, they will allow short periods of petting (if at all), and usually do NOT like to be held.

Go about your business with them around. Get them used to your movements and the noises of the household. It will scare them at first, but slowly they will realize that movements and noise won't hurt them and accept them without panicking.

It's good to have 2 kittens. They learn from each other, watch what happens to the other one, and are a big comfort to each other in a scary new world.

If you do get them inside, remember that they are hunters by birth and instinct. Send a followup when you want to learn about keeping hunter cats happy inside.
