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A new kitten

20 13:53:33

QUESTION: So my roommate has two cats, and the bigger one is male. He is about year old, and seems to be wanting to play with my new kitten. Is that ok? If the one year old Jinxy plays with the 7-8 week old Midnight kitten? My midnight won't be killed or anyting? Also. The jinxy, keeps getting into midnight's litter box and pushing the litter around. Not going in it or anything. It's weird or is that normal. Is Jinxy warming up to Midnight?

ANSWER: Isabelle,

A 7 week old kitten is too young to be a playmate to a one year old. It cannot defend itself when the older cat plays rough. Do NOT leave them alone unsupervised until the kitten is big enough to get away from the older cat if he holds the kitten down and gets too rowdy. You could end with the little one being injured, or fearful and timid for life.

You should also have 2 kittens because with one kitten, especially one that is so young, it is too frightening to be in a new place, see new people, new cats, etc. It is probably missing it's mom and littermates too and can get depressed. Having 2 kittens, they give each other comfort and they can play kitty games with each other and snuggle with each other for companionship.

Also is Jinxy neutered? If not, he may see the kitten as a 'sexual toy'.

Jinxy is probably getting into the litter box to 'investigate' and cover up for the kitten, and learn the kitten's 'smell'. It is a harmless behavior. You should use clay litter and not clumping litter for a kitten because kittens have a tendency to eat litter and clumping litter will swell and cause an obstruction in the kitten's intestines.

It would be good to also keep Jinxy's claws trimmed to help prevent accidental injuries to Midnight's eyes, etc. Here is a great link with photos that show how to trim the cat's claws:


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Right now, they are both sleeping together. Jinxy is neuter and Midnight is a male cat. But I'll make sure to keep jynxy out when I'm not home. Ok. I'll try not to use clumping litter. Will Midnight pick up Jinxy's bad habits?

ANSWER: Isabelle,

That is good that they are sleeping together. Jinxy is probably a comfort and 'mother substitute' for Midnight. You can leave them together when you KNOW that Jinxy is OK with the baby and not too rough.

Watch Midnight when he goes in the litterbox. If he doesn't try to eat or 'taste' the litter then you can use the clumping type. But be sure first because it is dangerous stuff for the intestines.

You know the term "copy-cat"? That is one reason for the name. A kitten or cat will copy what another cat does. Not always though, so hopefully Midnight will 'copy' Jinxy's good habits. It's not a bad habit that Jinxy has, just a quirk in his behavior. Cats have them. I have a cat that will only let you pet her IF she has a toy in her mouth! Another one keeps one paw in the water the whole time she is drinking! Sometimes only a cat knows why they they do some of the weird things they do!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I guess I mean, that Jinxy doesn't sleep with his owner. So i want Midnight to continue cuddling with me. I mean midnight follows me then I go somewhere. But both are in room now. But I found Midnight in my roommates room on her bed. So i don't know


Maybe Midnight was tired and went on your roommate's bed to get some rest and to get away from Jinxy. The kitten will go where he feels most comfortable and safe. Kittens tire easily at that age.

Extra note:  You should give Midnight Kitten Chow for his first year because it has the extra vitamins and proteins that he needs while he's growing.
