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Cat seems scared after move

20 13:51:08

I have a kitty about 2 years old and I got her from a friend and I was living in a 2 story townhome she loved the stairs laying with me on the couch and sleeping with me at night but then I had to move to a smaller 2 bedroom apartment and i gave her her own room and now she wont leave that room and if she does she is obsessed with being next to the window.  I have tried to bring her on the couch with me and she fights to get away like something is chasing her same thing with my bed she runs so fast to get back to her room with a window or any other window she can look out of.  So all day long she sleeps on a stool I put next to the window.  If I am in her room where my computer is she craves my attention but just won't leave that room she just seems soo scared.  When we did move she got fleas from the carpet here too.  I am going to be moving again to a better apt. in the same complex and its the same setup as the one I am in with brand new carpet so i hope i can rid her of the fleas.  I just don't know how to help her shes just not herself i miss her cuddling with me on the couch what can i do??

Hi Jason!

Well, if you do move again upstairs, it will probably happen all over again. Some kitties take some time to get used to a new place. Many cats prefer stability to change. Change causes stress as they are understandably not aware of their new environment and it hasn't been explored or assessed for threats. In their survival code, anything can be lurking around the next corner. You didn't mention how long you have been in your new apt but best way to introduce a shy cat to a new environment is one room at a time, at her pace and when she shows curiosity to see outside of the room. For ex, some people start with a bathroom or small office space and set up shop for kitty, keeping the door closed, then when after (could be a day, a few days, come cases a few hours,) the cat goes out to explore the next room. But the rest of the house should be closed off. Then when she is comfortable with the second room and expresses curiosity about the third then you allow that. Hopefully, you understand. I wouldn't worry at this point unless you have been there for months already. There are probably lots of fun exciting birds to watch out of the window so let her perch and watch.
Sometimes you can give them little remedies to ease transition, Bach Flower Essences for Animals has a bunch of transition formulas that you add to their water and put on her gumline or you can get the old standby-Rescue Remedy.
As far as fleas, if one apartment has them the building might be infested. My best recommendation is Fleabusters. NON-Toxic product.They use a boric acid salt and guarantee their work for a year, they will come out again if the problem isnt solved for free! I assume your new apt is mostly carpeted? Fleas like to hide in carpets and fleabusters wont service if it is primarily hardwood or hard surfaces.
If your landlord elects to use another product like a toxic fogger, kitty needs to stay out and when the fleas eggs hatch it must be treated again and kitty placed somewhere else. So tell him/her to get Fleabusters as it is most effective and the boric acid will kill fleas/dry out eggs. If it is just a really bad infestation then they will have to come out a few times, but s/he wont pay again! You can flea comb her to get fleas off of her but remember they live in environment. I think Advantage is an extremely toxic product but a ONE time dose to a parted hairline to the back of the neck where she can't lick just one time should be fine. Use the smaller dose for cat even if she is above 9lbs, use dose for below 9lbs.
When you move to your new place , Just show your kitty some gentle understanding. You can always distract her to come to the doorway of the room she likes to stay in with one of her favorite toys being scurried across the margin. First on the outside of the door (after she has been in there a few days) then along the doorway, then open door. But before you get her used to this apt, decide if you are moving because that would not be a good thing to get her used to this and move her again so suddenly. Just allow her this room and perch by window.
Eventually, she will be cuddling with you again!
Thanks for writing and good luck with moving!