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how to train and take care of my cats?

20 13:49:38

Dear shanti,
I have to cats a male and a female I want to know how to take good care of thwm and how to massage them and how to hold them in a good way and I also want to know how to train them my female cat know the meaning of dhake hands but she doesn't like to do it and when I say to her shake hands she gats angry and run away and my male cat is stupid enough to know the meaning of shake hands I want to train them but how? And I also have this problem that my two cats are very lazy they don't like to play a lot is there any way to make them. Active? And smart? I want my cats to be comfortable with me when they play with me and when I let them sit in my lap but tje don't get enough comfortable how can I make them relax and comfortable? Amd what is the best way to make them happy then ever... My male cat used to be very happy in the past he was smiling and always playing but nos he is sad and lazy and says meow in a way like he crying what is the solution?
I will be waiting for your replay

Hi Reem,
The best way to keep cats happy is to meet all of their needs. They need a peaceful environment, but stimulating for a cat's needs, fresh air, safety, sunshine, comfortable temperatures, a good quality diet, fresh water, rest, interaction, lots of play if they aren't hunting outdoors and their independence when they want it. I don't know what your home is like or if the kitties go outdoors, but make sure they have access to plenty of exercise. Kitties need to climb and scratch as well.

It sounds like your kitty does not want to shake so I wouldn't do try to train them. Cats are not dogs and learn differently. To force them would not be good and they will always fear you. They will get annoyed and it is best to learn their body language and not push them. Know when to back off. You don't want them to fear you and it sounds like this could happen.
Give kind, gentle affection. Very gentle. Most kitties like light touches and light scratches under the chin.
See what they like  and learn from them, as opposed to trying to make them do things you want them to do.
Not all cats are the same and it depends on the quality of your touch for massage.
 If they are purring then they are happy. If they swish their tail or pull their ears back they may be starting to get annoyed so stop what it is you are doing. Learn not to push them.
Many kitties like light massages along the spinal muscles but don't force anything. These are living beings with their own likes and dislikes so tune into them to find out what  makes them happy.
I wouldn't force them to do anything-some cats are lap cats, some become lap cats as they get older. A lot of this depends on how they were handled as kittens and how much you are making them feel comfortable.
Cats are extremely smart.  They also sleep about 16-20 hours a day and are more active when they are younger.
A toy I have found all cats seem to love is called "Da Bird" It is a feather attached to string and wand.

All cats love to play, perhaps it is the method you are using? Make it fun, and don't wave things in their face but slither across the floor, then once they are playing move it around in the air for them to jump to catch. Try to understand it is the prey we are trying to immitate-so emulate that with the toy.
If your male cats behavior has changed he may need to be seen by a vet? I don't know what the vets are like in Saudi Arabia-make sure they are gentle.
I don't have enough info to begin guessing what is going on with him.  Is he on a good diet?
