Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Im going crazy

Im going crazy

20 14:07:58

I wrote to you about 2 weeks ago, my 4 cats, all fixed have decided to stop using the litter box. I now have 7 litter boxes that are cleaned 2 times a day. I have used different types of litter in each of them, hoping to give each one his or her preference. I have scrubbed every surface they have peed on with viniger and they still aren't always using the litter boxes. I'm going crazy and am sick of cleaning cat pee. Besides this my house smells and they are ruining my hardwood floors. HELP! Thanks, Tonja

Hello again, Tonja!

I'm'll have to refresh my memory a bit.  Also, sorry for the time delay in writing you back.  :o(

So, have you absolutely ruled out that this may be a health problem with them of any sort?  If you've tried my suggestions, and they're still doing this, and they're all fixed, I would suggest taking them in and getting them some blood tests, etc. to be sure it isn't health issues.  It's worth the time and money, believe me!

Also, if you've taken them in before, and they were given a clean bill of health, I would suggest getting a second opinion.  It definitely sounds like a health problem instead of a behavioural issue.

Let me know how it works out, ok?

