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Need to break new habbit quick!

20 13:54:44

My cat is an indoor outdoor cat. She generally likes to go out during the day, and sleep with me at night. I have recently noticed she is starting to sleep under the hood and on top of the fuel tanks of mine and my roommates vehicles. How do I break her of this habbit quick. I generally try to make noise and know where she is at before getting into my vehicle. I am concerned about my roommates though. I have mentioned it to them but I know it isn't on the top of their minds when leaving the house. Is there a way I can deter her from this behavior before the inevitable happens? Thanks, Nick


That is a tough one to do. Basically you need to make it an unpleasant place to be. Get in the car and rev up the motor whenever she is near the vehicles to get her scared of them. If you think she is under the vehicles bang on the side of the car. Or turn the waterhose under there.

Other than that, you just have to be careful.
