Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > OUR CAT IS PSYCHO!


20 14:05:38

My wife and I wanted to start breeding Himalayan's.  We obtained a purebred 2yr old himalayan from a elderly lady and had her bred.  She has never been the most friendly cat but since she got pregnant, she is mean.  We can not go in the same room with her without getting bit or attacked.  The vet checked her out and she is medically ok.  Is there any hope?  She had her kittens and is still the meanest thing, we can barely even get in the room to feed her without being attacked.  We are scared of her and we don't want to be.  Please help!


Some cats have mental problems just like people. You don't know her experiences before you got her that have made her that way. There are so many loving cats out there that to have one that is mean and not safe for you and your family is not good. I would keep the kittens (hopefully they didn't inherit her mean genes) and take her to a shelter or SPCA, letting them know what her personality is like so some unsuspecting child or adult doesn't get attacked and injured. I know it hard to do but not all cats are 'pussycats'. I wouldn't take her back where she came from because it would seem that that is where here problems originated.

I would contact a himalayan organization and find out if it is possible that the way she is acting is something that can be breed-specific to himalayans. I would Google....Himalayan Breeders and see if one come up that sounds friendly and has an email for questions. The breeder you obtained the cat from may not be a reputable breeder (though I'm not saying she isn't).

A cat's personality depends alot on how they were handled and how much attention were given to them the first 7 weeks of their life. Be sure you handle your kittens at least 5 minutes a day to make them sociable when they are older. The lady may have kept the cat in a cage with no human contact and no socializing which would make her act like she does now. I'm just guessing by the cat's actions. That may not have been the case.

If you would like to try with her, Google....Taming Feral Cats (not that she is feral but she has the same reaction to you that a feral would have) or...Taming a Mean Cat and you will get a lot of articles on ways to tame a 'wild' cat or a mean cat that can give you tips and methods on how to go about it. It takes a LOT of time and a LOT of patience. It depends if she is worth it to you to do that plus take care of the kittens.

I hope this helped. Good luck....whatever you decide to do.