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males fighting

20 14:03:59

I am having problems with a new cat Crunchie, that I introduced in January this year. I have three Burmese cats all the same age.  Two female and a neutered male.  They all get along ok.  the male Burmese was introduced in nov 07 and fitted in with no problems.  Crunchie is just a normal cat, and was about 9 months old in january.  He is neutered too.  The Burmese want nothing to do with him and stick together. they sleep in there basket and won't let him in.  he won't sleep in his bed but sleeps beside their basket looking in longingly!  its a big basket he could fit in.  He also fights non stop with the male they just wont leave each other alone. it seems like play fighting that goes too far for the most part, but it goes on all the time.  Also the Burmese are not allowed out only for a quick visit to my garden if I am there to supervise.  Crunchy is out 50% of the time.  When he is out he is always getting in to fights and comes back beaten up and bleeding. I have tried keeping him in but he goes mad and howls and tries to break out.  what can I do he won't fit in inside or out side.  I have tried swapping their bedding. scenting cloths and rubbing them with it. What else can I do? I love crunchy so much hes a sweet little guy. I am thinking of re housing him, but that won't stop him getting beaten up outside!  Any advice would be appreciated.


It sounds like Crunchie is miserable and would be much happier being in a home without Burmese cats! Probably a home with a cat that has a calm personality and that is loving would be best. Then he can have someone to cuddle with and play with. A bonus would be a home in a neighborhood with no bully cats around.

Crunchie may be outside trying to be friends with 'the wrong crowd' and getting beat up OR he may have very strong hormones, even though he is neutered, and thinks he's a tough cat that can take on a lion!

Your Burmese sound very territorial (a little spoiled too? *smile*) and they probably do NOT like to share you or their home with an 'interloper'. It sounds like one of the occassions where unfortunately the introduction process did not, and will not, work. That's too bad for Crunchie, but at the same time your resident cats do not need to be stressed and agitated all the time. It doesn't make for happy cats or a happy home.
