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aggressive mommy cat

20 14:04:34

So my cat just had 3 kittens about 3 days ago. 2 of the kittens didn't make it. She started out being great with the kitten but now it seems like she keeps trying to move it constantly. She is also attacking my other cat. He is a male and they have been living peacefully for the last 2 years together but now she is out for blood. She will track him in the house and claw and attack. We have them separated for right now but I don't know how long this will last or what I should do? Can you please help?


Leave her alone and let her move her baby to where she wants it to be and where she will feel it is safe. Keep the male away from her for a while. She most likely feels he is a threat and is protecting her new baby from him. Keep him away from her for a week or two until she gets less nervous and protective.

Other possibilites:
A female cat can get pregnant 48 hours to 2 weeks after giving birth and if she is in heat again that would make her aggressive.
You may want to have a vet check her to make sure everything is OK and that she is not in any pain which would also make her aggressive.
