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kitten nurses non-pregnate older kittens

20 14:02:42

my cats are approx 14 weeks q-tip (f) 14 weeks vtec (m) and supposedly 8/9 weeks karma (f). the vet told us he thinks karma's about 5/6 weeks though, so we're going with that, even though she was about 1/2 the size of her brothers and sister. she's eating regularly both hard and dry food (as she has been for the past 2 weeks), but she tries to nurse on the older two. they let her, and it doesnt seem to cause them any discomfort, but is this normal/healthy? my friend got her sister and he said she doesnt even bother with the other cats. sometimes she'll even do it to our fingers. its so weird. we've had the other two since they were about 7/8 weeks and they nevveerrr did that. its almost like they're trying to be her mommy or something (even though vtec is a boy). please help. i dont know if this should be a cause for concern, or if its normal. if it is, how would i "wean" her off her fake mommy and daddy. other than that she's a normal kitten. runs around with the other two, sleeps in the bed with us, eats, poops, everything normal, just this 'fake nursing' habit of hers. please help when you get time. thanks *stacey


It sounds as if Karma (cute name too!) was weaned too early. That is common behavior in that situation. It is giving her comfort and it also may be giving the others comfort by her doing it.

It won't hurt anything and will make her a happier kitty. If her 'fake nursing' starts to bug the other cats they will put a stop to it.

Don't worry about it.
