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My new kitten with a 14yr old cat!?

20 14:02:42

Well me and my girlfriend just bought a baby kitten yesterday! Now i know this is the first day she has been in the new house. We have a cat named thomas, and he is very agressive and marks his spot on everything! Is it safe to bring her arounf her, because they hiss alot at each other and it scares me that he will hurt her! PLEASE help me! =)


A kitten is NOT a good thing to bring home to an elderly resident cat.

With an older resident cat, especially a male, you need to have TWO kittens. Older cats usually do not care for kittens because of their energy level and the fact that they ruin an older cat's routine and peace. A kitten, if it is healthy, will have lots of energy and will like to play a lot. When the only other playmate for the kitten is an older cat she will try to play with him as she would another with another kitten. That causes problems. For the older cat...and for the kitten, who gets confused and can get depressed and lose heart because the older cat won't play and will growl at her. As the kitten grows and gets more secure and self-confident she may intesify her annoying behavior towards your older cat out of boredom or to expend energy.

When you have 2 kittens they play together with rough-house kitty play, chase each other, and play normal kitty games, and then snuggle together for comfort and companionship. They tend to leave the older cat alone more. That relieves the older cat is he is not interested in playing, but leaves the option open if he does. As it stands now you have basically gotten a 5 year old friend (in human years) for a 72 year old (in human years) cat.

They don't take stress as well as a younger cat can and you may end up with stress related behavior from the older cat (including improper elimination, aggression towards the kitten or you, etc.), a permanent personality change, or it can cause health problems. It can also cause behavior problems with the kitten that may be hard to correct.

It can take months for them to get along. Alot of times they will never be 'friends' and the best you can hope for is acceptance by the older cat. which is really not fair to a happy, lively kitten who WANTS to be friends and playmates. There is also the chance it will not work out. but hopefully it will for you. Here are some links that you should find helpful on introductions:

Introducing cats to older cats:
