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Cat holding pee over 24 hours.

20 13:52:59

A neighbourhood stray male adopted us and we adopted him in return. He's about two. We've had him de-sexed, he has all his shots etc. The problem is he will not pee in the kitty litter. He will poo in it no problem, but will do anything to avoid peeing in it. It took over 24 hours of him holding it in one time and this time it has been over 24 hours and he still hasn't peed, but he has pooped in it twice, so he's not afraid to go there. He still eats and drinks regularly. We have cleared our bottom floor - its tile - so there's nothing on the floor he would like to pee in (material is his fave), the kitty litter is in the bathroom so its private. We spend time with him, play with him, there is some of his urine scent in the litter from the last time he peed in our closet. We put him in the litter after meals and scratch around with him in it, but we don't hold him in it. We give him treats when he poops in the litter, we've been repetitive and reassuring. How long do we wait? He is not even exhibiting seeking behaviour, which is weird. He doesn't have a kidney infection or stones, he doesn't appear to be in pain, he's sleeping normally, playing normally, eating and drinking normally. Do we just wait him out?


Have you tried newspaper or puppy pee-pads put down next to the litterbox? Sometimes a cat will use those if he has an aversion to peeing in the litterbox, which some cats have.
It is not good for him to hold it.

I would be concerned about the possibility of urinary crysals. They can cause a complete blockage if not caught soon enough...and that is usually fatal to male cats.

I would call your vet and tell him about your cat's behavior and see what he says. Maybe he can give the cat a diuretic.
